Meet Scottsdale Dentist, Dr. Schwartz

Unfavorable childhood dental experiences of her own have fueled a passion to provide the best possible dental care and experience. Dr. Schwartz and her team use proven state-of-the-art dental technologies to make caring for your dental health easier than ever.

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Dental veneers are thin shells made of composite material or porcelain that are placed directly over the front surface of the teeth to restore their shape and color. Veneers provide an uncomplicated, minimally invasive and effective way to achieve a beautiful smile.

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What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is more commonly known as gum disease. This is when bacteria literally eat away the gum tissue and the bone from your teeth. When the gum tissue and the bone are eaten away, a �pocket� is developed which then provides the bacteria a place to live and breed.

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Gum Disease

Gum disease or gingivitis is the preliminary stage of periodontal disease. At the stage of gingivitis, there is a mild inflammation or swelling of the gums. The patient may notice abnormal redness of the gums and slight bleeding at the time of brushing or flossing the teeth.

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What are Dentures?

Dentures are a replacement for missing teeth. There are two types of dentures; partial and complete. Partial dentures replace only a few teeth and prevent the other teeth from shifting their position. Complete dentures are used when a person loses all of his or her teeth and would need a full set of dentures. Both types of dentures are removable and are generally made of metal and acrylic resin, which is an almost plastic-like material that is casted to fit the precise shape of a person's mouth. Denture teeth are made from a plastic resin or porcelain.

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Dentures refer to a set of artificial teeth that are designed to act as a replacement for missing teeth. Dentures represent a traditional solution which is more popular with older patients who may have several or all teeth missing. Dentures can be partial or full, depending on the number of missing teeth.

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Braces are a time tested, non-invasive treatment to straighten crooked, misaligned, crowded, or unevenly spaced teeth. Traditional braces are made of metal brackets and wires. The bracket gets placed on the teeth and a wire goes between the brackets. Then the wire is rubber-banded, forcing the teeth to move to a new position.

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What is CEREC?

CEREC, also known as Chairside Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, can provide you with a scanned image of a tooth along with any number of porcelain restorations, all made in minutes. CEREC is designed to replace the bad part of a tooth. For this purpose, it first takes a scanned image of what remains of the tooth, and with the help of modern technology, the dentist fabricates and creates a replacement part for the tooth. This eliminates the need of temporary restorations.

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What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a form of dental restoration. It completely caps or encloses a tooth or dental implant and is usually bonded to the tooth by means of dental cement. Dental crowns, when cemented into place, fully cover the visible portion of a tooth that is above the gum line.

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CEREC Crowns

Cerec is a revolutionary computer-aided technology for dental crowns. Cerec crowns are popularly known as �one day crowns,� which is the unique proposition of this technology. People who wish to minimize their hours and visits to the dentist�s office may like to opt for Cerec crowns. A greater advantage of Cerec crowns is their high precision and accuracy.

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What are Dental Implants Used For?

Dental implants are a common restoration used by Dr. Schwartz of Healthy Smiles Dentistry in Scottsdale for two reasons. First, she uses dental implants in order to replace a missing tooth within a patient's smile. Additionally, she can use dental implants in order to help secure dentures with the use of implant-supported dentures. Dental implants can improve the cosmetic appearance of a smile, as well as help denture-wearers feel more confident and comfortable with their dentures.

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Dental Implants

Dental implant technology has transformed the field of restorative dentistry in the last two decades. A dental implant is a permanent solution to replace a missing tooth. It is the closest that comes to a natural tooth and needs practically no special maintenance or care. The results of dental implants are highly predictable with a very high rate of success. It is also a conservative procedure because unlike a dental bridge, a dental implant does not compromise the strength of the adjacent healthy teeth.

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TWhat is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth Whitening is a process usually done on discolored teeth. Discoloration of teeth often occurs when a person consumes coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco. Natural aging is also another reason why adult teeth often become darker.

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An invitation for your Feedback!

If currently you are not one of our patients, we welcome you to read the reviews placed by our happy patients on our online profiles below.

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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry. Teeth tend to become pale, yellowish, discolored, or stained with age. It happens more severely in cases where a person frequently consumes certain colored foods, aerated drinks, tea, coffee, or tobacco. Other reasons for such occurrences include certain types of medications that may impact the color of the teeth in the long run.

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How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

For individuals with crooked teeth, smiling is probably not their favorite thing to do. Hiding their smile behind their hands or avoiding smiles altogether is the everyday norm for many who are embarrassed about their smile. Dr. Schwartz of Scottsdale's Healthy Smiles Dentistry understands how an imperfect smile can affect your self-esteem, as well as your business and personal relationships. As we get older, the idea of undergoing traditional orthodontics seems daunting and unnecessary. Metal brackets and wires remind us of awkward teenage years, not of a successful entrepreneur or career-driven man or woman.

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Invisalign is a revolutionary treatment to correct misaligned, protruding, misshaped, or unevenly spaced teeth. It uses the same principle as traditional metal and bracket braces. However, the key difference is that Invisalign braces are practically invisible and hence do not compromise the user's facial aesthetics.

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When should parents take their children for their first check up?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends that a child visit the dentist six months after the first tooth erupts, or on his or her first birthday. However, it is usual for a child to see a dentist when they are about three years old, when they have all their baby teeth and are able to sit in the dentist chair.

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What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. It is usually first noticed by a sleep partner, when a person starts gasping for air in their sleep. The health ramifications of sleep apnea are far reaching. It is linked to systemic illnesses making one tired during the day.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry primarily involves improving the smile and enhancing the facial aesthetics of a person. The popular perception about cosmetic dentistry is that it only focuses on the appearance of the teeth. However, in reality several cosmetic dentistry procedures also help to improve the functionality of the teeth.

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Dental Library

It is our great pleasure to provide you with the Dear Doctor - Dentistry & Oral Health Digital Library. Written exclusively by the foremost dental educators and clinicians in the field of dentistry, this library provides you with the latest developments and advancements on all aspects of dentistry to help you make the best decisions for your dental health.

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Advanced Technology with a Soft Touch

Dr. Alison Schwartz and her caring team understand the importance of detecting oral cancer early. If caught early enough, this form of cancer is one of the most curable.

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Our Team

Stop by our office and meet one of the finest dental teams around. Dr. Schwartz and her team create use the latest technology to create beautiful healthy smiles in a friendly and comfortable environment.

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Contact - Alison P. Schwartz, D.D.S.

8700 E Pinnacle Peak Road Suite 226 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-951-0651 Fax: 480-905-8747

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Finance Options

Dental treatment is an excellent investment in an individual's medical and psychological well being. Financial considerations should not be an obstacle to obtaining this important health service. Being sensitive to the fact that different people have different needs in fulfilling their financial obligations, we are providing the following payment options.

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