From the desk of Dr. Cruz: Implants

Dental Implants are an excellent choice for replacing missing teeth. This requires enough quantity and quality of bone at the site of the implant. Implants also avoid affecting the adjacent teeth. Implants make it possible for the teeth at the back of the jaw to be replaced which is not possible in specific situations with a traditional approach.

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Dental Sealants Laguna Niguel - What are dental sealants?

All of your natural teeth are at risk for developing dental caries, otherwise known as cavities or tooth decay. Because of the very nature of our teeth, acids and bacteria can eat away at the enamel, damaging them from the outside.

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Are dull, yellow teeth dimming your brilliant smile?

Take action and reverse the steps of discoloration. Thanks to advances in cosmetic dentistry, you can whiten and brighten your teeth in a matter of weeks.

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What is teeth whitening and what can it do for my smile?

We all smile. Some laugh and smile freely showing confidence and a healthy smile, while others tend to cover their mouth when they smile or just smile without showing their teeth. Often times this is due to stained or yellow teeth. Our smiles tell more about us than we think and people tend to judge us upon what they see.

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Periodontal/Dental Hygiene

Our mouths are full of bacteria. The bacteria along with mucus and other particles constantly form a sticky, colorless biofilm also known as �plaque� on our teeth. It is a major cause of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Biofilms consist of many species of bacteria in layers both old and new that cling to the teeth.

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Periodontal Disease

Statistics show that dentists are winning the battle against periodontal disease. Americans were able to keep more of their teeth in 1990 than 1980 and the trend continues this decade. But the war is not over.

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Breath of Fresh Air

Halitosis or bad breath can be a cause of �social agony.� Many people are too embarrassed to even talk because they have bad breath. Keeping their breath fresh can be extremely difficult, but it is possible to put an end to chronic halitosis!

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Tooth brushing can be a risky business for children

As a parent, you have to be extremely attentive to your child�s well-being, including the health of your little one�s teeth. Fluoride is an important element of any child�s tooth-care regimen. Not only does it help make the teeth stronger but it also increases their resistance to cavities.

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What�s a Rubber Dam?

A rubber dam is a safe and simple dental tool which is introduced to dentists when they are in dental school. In reality, it�s a stretchable piece of rubber which helps a dentist to isolate the teeth he or she is working on. When used in the proper manner, it helps to improve infection control, patient comfort and doctor efficiency.

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No Room for Uninvited Guests

Our mouths and the surfaces of our teeth are home to billions and billions of bacterial guests. While some of them are the reason behind periodontal disease, tooth decay and bad breath, the rest offer a variety of benefits to maintain the health of our mouth. Some of the beneficial microorganisms in the mouth help us in fighting against tooth and gum disease as well as digesting the food we eat.

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Your Dentist Sees More Than Just Your Teeth

Most of us dread the thought of going through a routine dental exam. But you may not know that your mouth can show symptoms of some of the most serious of diseases. In a periodic dental exam, a dentist examines more than just your teeth and gums. In fact, he may examine your throat, tonsils, palate, breath, and tongue as well.

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What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a severe sleeping disorder where the patient may or may not be aware of it. It is a condition where a person is unable to attain deep sleep because his or her sleep is interrupted in short intervals. A patient suffering from sleep apnea may experience pauses in breathing while asleep.

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What are the main causes of snoring?

While it may not be an obvious problem for the sleeper, snoring is often very disturbing for a sleep partner. This situation can be caused due to many reasons.

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Is snoring the same as Sleep Apnea?

noring is not the same as sleep apnea. In fact, snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea. However, it�s also possible for a person to snore but have a very normal sleeping experience. Normally, a sleep apnea patient is a very loud snorer who can disturb other people�s sleep with their snoring sounds.

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Fluoride Treatment Laguna Niguel - What is fluoride and why do we need it?

You have probably heard of fluoride toothpaste, but may have wondered exactly what it is and why we need fluoride. This answer can be somewhat complex, especially since fluoride exists in other items such as food and water.

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What is the Difference Between Obstructive and Central Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder which affects millions. In fact, many people do not even know that they suffer from it. This sleep disorder causes individuals to actually stop breathing for a moment, many times during their sleep.

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From the Desk of Dr. Cruz: TMJ � TMD

TMD is the abbreviation for Temporomandibular Dysfunction, which is a general term for various conditions / diagnoses. The appropriate therapy is prescribed after diagnosis which may involve special approaches.

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CURRENT UNDERSTANDING: Tooth decay is an infectious process. This process is caused by a bio-film composed of various bacteria and bacterial bio products that break down teeth. Once the teeth are significantly affected by this process, cavitation occurs, and may or may not be accompanied with pain.

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CAMBRA in Monarch Beach - Why Participate in CAMBRA?

If you are experiencing tooth decay and cavities even after following your dentist's instructions on great oral hygiene, you may have something else working against you that you didn't even know about. Dental caries is what causes tooth decay and cavities in your teeth, and are not just present because of bad oral hygiene habits.

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CAMBRA Monarch Beach - What is CAMBRA?

Perhaps you are dealing with this scenario--you brush your teeth after every meal, floss at least once a day, and you are still experiencing cavities and tooth decay. Even after following all the "rules," you still manage to suffer from cavities in your teeth.

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Monarch Beach CAMBRA - How Can Acid Reflux (GERD) Affect Your Teeth?

Acid reflux, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) can wreak havoc on your teeth. While you might not immediately think of GERD as being a reason for poor oral health, it may help if you fully understand what happens with GERD.

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Laguna Niguel CAMBRA - What is GERD (Acid Reflux)?

You may have heard of acid reflux, or heartburn. These are typically used to describe the symptoms that one experiences when they have GERD.

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How to Complete a Salivary Test for CAMBRA

You have decided that you want a CAMBRA evaluation done with Dr. Cruz. Congratulations on taking advantage of the technology out there to help you take the best care of your teeth!

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Dental Cambra in Monarch Beach - Risk Factors for Dental Caries

Dental caries, which are essentially "cavities," is a serious form of decay that can damage the structure and integrity of your teeth. In some cases, it can be so severe that a filling will not be able to save the tooth, and it must be entirely extracted in order to save the other teeth from becoming affected as well.

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What are Problems Associated with Dental Caries?

The current understanding and professional consensus regarding dental caries, or "tooth decay," is that it represents an infectious process via a biofilm composed of various bacteria and bacterial bio-products that break teeth down.

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