House Hunting (Blues)

House hunting is a pain in the butt. That is about all I care to say about this right now. Totally frustrated and pre-approval is already taken care of. You see something and it is snatched before you can make an offer.

Posted on: 9 September 2005 | 2:55 pm

Cool new (super) computer, err, laptop.

I was scanning some of the tech sites out there and saw a firm specializing in "quantam-optical" memory (RAM) and storage. These are very dense storage mediums with no moving parts (in terms of secondary storage mainly...RAM is a no-brainer). They supposedly will be introducing a laptop soon with, get this, 1 terabyte of RAM and 2 terabytes of secondary storage. Also, it boasts a 6.8Ghz CPU. Wow.You can view the laptop specs.I know what I am asking Santa for (next Christmas that is...).

Posted on: 9 September 2005 | 2:49 pm

Student Entreprenuer

A college/university student is trying to pay their way through school by selling pixel banner ad space: MillionDollarHomePageSeems to me they will pay for more than just their schooling!Wish I had thought of that.

Posted on: 8 September 2005 | 8:59 pm

Sedentary Lies

I have been too busy to workout much lately. I am active of course, but I have had zero time for purposeful, directed workouts. Combine that with nasty meal choices and I have been putting on weight, despite being on my feet all day in the office. Oh how I miss the younger years. I am too dang busy. That is one reason why I have not updated my lovely, new blog in one week.I keep telling myself to cut the caffeine (and the soda) to make sleep more enjoyable and to ward off weight gain from all the empty carbs of sweetened beverages. However, this selftalk only occurs in the evening when I am feeling guilty for not making any changes in the day or when I am in contemplative mode right before sleep. When morning arrives (after getting very few hours of sleep) I fall back into the trap of having some caffeine in the morning to get me going. A soda usually accompanies a crappy lunch in the hospital cafeteria. Unless you get there at the appropriate time, you are subject to leftover sandwiches and snack foods.It is almost a crying shame to be in such a situation given my lot in life. I wholeheartedly feel for those with severe weight problems. Compound that with many of the common issues of every day life - self-esteem issues, time constraints, money concerns, and existing health problems - and I can see why America is becoming more and more overweight. If someone like me (being in the health industry) cannot do it 100% of the time...well, you get the idea.I sometimes think, after student loans are paid off, that I should start a free (or very inexpensive) motivation/weight clinic. I think that would do wonders for its participants as well as for myself. Think of the lives that could change, including my own. I may have chosen the wrong profession with my deep rooted empathy - which one would find hard to believe given my somewhat arrogant outer shell.Note to self: Get more exercise.

Posted on: 27 April 2005 | 4:34 pm

New Pope

The new Pope was chosen today: Pope Benedict XVI. He is from Germany and grew up during the Nazi era (his father was staunchly against the Nazi regime). I guess the new Pope is quiet the author. He has numerous books under his belt or should I say robe? With all that you have to deal with in the world today, I say, "good luck with all that, Pope!"

Posted on: 19 April 2005 | 12:22 pm

Afraid of the Blog

Actually, that title is a little misleading. What I am actually afraid of is not having enough time to commit to daily blogging. I will try. That is all that I can do.

Posted on: 19 April 2005 | 12:21 pm

Russians and New Car Test Drives

This is a bit strange. I went to check out some automobiles tonight and had a deja vu of sorts. The salesman's name was "Vlad". He was a Russian with a great personality. We talked about some of the cars on the lot and decided to take the new [link] Audi S4 demo unit out for a spin. He insisted on driving first and I agreed. He started talking about the Audi AWD (quattro) and its benefits. Shortly thereafter, we hit this curvy section of road that featured some tight corners. He proceeds to speed up as we enter the "course". As he is espousing AWD and traction control, we proceed to nearly "slide" through the corners. I would imagine we were placing quite a bit of strain on this brand-spanking-new car. I will admit I was a bit nervous but it brought back memories of another Russian automobile salesman I test drove a [link] Mercedes SLK320 with a few years back. He was also a crazy driver who pushed the car to the limit with a customer in tow. What is it about Russian automobile salesman?Oh, the Audi was very nice. Great control too. Not as refined as my ex-boss' four liter [link] Audi A6.

Posted on: 11 April 2005 | 7:12 pm

New Car Blues

I am in the market for a new car. The only problem is there are to many great cars out there around $40K.I am looking into these at the moment:Audi A4BMW 330Mercedes C320There is a part of me that wants to go for another convertible, but all the convertibles I am interested in jump up quite a bit in price. I do not know if I want to spend that extra $10-15K. Knowing me though, I will probably talk myself into it.

Posted on: 11 April 2005 | 2:27 pm

Initial Post and Welcome

I have finally succumb. I am blogging, hear me roar.Will I have much to say? Possibly. Will anyone want to read it? Probably not. Will I convey deep thoughts, political diatribe, or spiritual epiphanies? No, I will leave that to the so-called experts. I am not too confrontational.Who am I? I define adult ADD. I feel the hectic lifestyle "big city" people endure instills this condition. I have varied interests being a frenzied generation X consumer in the greatest democratic capitalist country to ever exist. That does not seem to say much given those qualifiers, but I do love this country despite the rut it seems to be in. I have formal medical and technological education. I like to have "big city" fun even though it seems I have no time for such a thing. I have been accused of being a "pretty boy" and a metrosexual. I find this amusing given my low self-esteem. When I compare myself to others, the efforts I see them make, I do not feel worthy of my sucess. The grass is always green I guess.Cliches aside, it seems I am forever failing upward - soon to be its own cliche if it is not already.Good day fine netizens.

Posted on: 11 April 2005 | 1:08 pm